We are all unfortunately familiar with these pesky envelopes -- power, water, gas and cell phone bills, all conspiring you to fork over your hard-earned income.
For many, paying the utility bills is an ongoing tiring and daunting routine. What if there was a means to escape from under the thumb of public utilities and completely produce your own sustainable energy?
Great news, there is!
Living "off-the-grid" is vastly becoming the more popular choice for families looking to reduce their carbon footprint, assert their independence and avoid reliance on fossil fuels.
Utility Company Paying YOU!?
Your typical household is connected to money draining utilities such as natural gas, power, water, and telephone lines. When a household lives, “Off the grid” it simply means they break ties to all of these money hungry utilities and simply create their own energy to produce this power themselves.
Whether you want to live partially off the grid by supplying your own energy yet still relying on city water and sewage, or you want to go completely off the grid and dig your own well or use a cistern system is completely up to you.
Because they call this type of living, “off the grid” it is impossible to get an accurate count of exactly how many Americans are living this way, however in 2006, Home Power magazine had estimated that over 180,000 homes in America were doing just that, living off the grid and supplying their own power!
Yet another interesting fact is that moreover 27,000 homes were using solar power and wind energy in an attempt to offset grid-connected life.
What Exactly Does It Take To "Get Off The Grid?"
As you continue to read, I will cover what it takes exactly to start living off the grid and become independent even reliable! What I mean is that there are several real stories of people whom I know personally that have the electric company pay them for producing more power each month then they need!
How cool would it be if you got, not a bill in the mail each month, but a check rather, from the electric company you have been paying each month for God knows how many years! Sweet deal right?
The best part about being able to actually live like this is that it is fairly inexpensive, and you can be up and running in no time at all!
As mentioned, the first step you should take in living off the grid is going to be getting rid of your electricity bill. The most common way to start living off the grid is going to be using solar energy.
This means using the power of the sun and wind. As neither one of these concepts are new and have been around a while, more Americans are turning to them as the price of bills are ever rising.
How Do Solar Panels Work?
When one thinks of solar energy they typically think of a solar panel. These panels are called photovoltaic (PV) solar panels and are usually located on one’s roof.
Silicon semiconductors are what these panels are made up of that collect energy from the sun knocking electrons loose in order for energy to flow freely. DC current is then created by an electric field in the panel forcing these free flowing electrons in one direction.
This DC current is then directed through an inverter that converts the DC power into AC which is typically what your home uses. Power by wind turbines is generated using a similar fashion.
This residential wind turbine stands anywhere from 50 to 120 feet high and when the wind moves these blades a shaft that leads from the hub of the rotor runs to a generator and supplies power.
These generators then take the energy that’s was produced and turns it into power your house can use such as AC current much like the solar power converts the energy into with an inverter.
How Does Wind Power Work?
Wind power works in a similar fashion. A typical residential wind turbine looks like an airplane propeller sitting atop a 50 to 120-foot tower. When the wind blows, the blades start moving and spin a shaft that leads from the hub of the rotor to a generator.
A generator takes the energy produced from the rotation and turns it into electricity. Like solar cells, the energy created by wind turbines is converted into usable AC power with an inverter.
As I mentioned above, I personally know of people who make more energy a month then they consume and therefore are getting paid by the electric company!
By pairing their solar or wind energy sources with the traditional power sources they create what is known as a hybrid system and in turn drastically reduce their bills.
How Do You Collect A Check From The Utility Company?
In cases like these energy that is created through solar or wind power is stored by the utility company and if less energy a month is used then is created from your home they cut you a check! You will however have to check with your power provider because only 40 states allow you to actually sell your electricity back to your utility company.
In order to go completely off the grid you will need your own converter to store your powerhouse of DC energy in order to be converted into AC when you need it. This is a bit more expensive but necessary if you want to live completely self-sufficient and rely on no utility company ever again.
So which power source should you convert over to wind or solar? Well, know that wind power is the cleanest and also the cheapest technology for off the grid energy known in the world. No greenhouse emissions are produced even, everyone should go green and it is no wonder this type of power is so wide spread.
How Does Water Work Living Off The Grid?
Okay, so you’ve got power to live off the grid, now what about your water? The cool thing about water is that it’s abundant! Did you know that only about 15% of Americans get their water on their own? Now it’s your turn to tap into this source and build a solar power system for under $200!
In trying to explain how this water system works I will sum it up in saying that the principle is pretty simple. A hole in the ground with a pump bringing water out of it is how this system works. Not going to go too much into this though.
What Happens When You Cannot Make Power One Day?
Many people who convert to living off the grid by producing their own power do also have what is called a backup generator. Typically a backup generator runs on propane for those times when the wind fails to blow, and the sun doesn’t shine. Some of them run on gas or biodiesels but propane is by far the cleanest and cheapest means.
A wood-burning stove is also common to use in a self-sufficient home along with wood-burning fireplaces to keep heating costs low.
Now that you are all hyped up about living off the grid and setting up your own solar panels and septic tank, you will want to know of the changes that you are going to encounter first.
Energy star appliances are the best on the market in the sense of saving you the most money by conserving the least amounts of energy.
You do still need to conserve as much as you can, where you can even when you go off the grid. In addition did you know that the government also actually provides rebates on Energy Star appliances?
If you are serious about wanting to know more about living off the grid please visit: http://www.livingoffthegridz.com and discover all you need to know in becoming fully self sufficent and get rid of those monthly bills for good!
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